Due to all the benefits to SolShare, it is applicable to major funding streams.

Certified by Ofgem as a ‘Substantial Innovation Measure’, energy efficiency upgrades on flats that are D-rated or below can often be 100% funded.

Allume Energy UK can take you through the funding process. To get started, all we need is your address list.

ECO4 is the UK’s latest Energy Company Obligation scheme, launched in 2022 with a £4 billion budget which runs until 2026. It targets fuel poverty and carbon emissions by funding energy efficiency improvements in low-income households. By focusing on the least energy-efficient homes, ECO4 aims to cut energy bills, enhance living conditions, helping you achieve your net-zero goals and reducing energy costs for you tenants.

Ofgem has certified SolShare™️ as an innovation measure, unlocking 45% more funding for your apartment buildings.

case study

The combination of Allume’s pinoeering SolShare technology and insulation enabled E.ON to improve the energy efficiency of 15 E-rated properties at the Belmont retirement home to a C-rating or better, as well as improving 7 D-rated properties.

We’re excited to share that Bexhill was E.ON’s first ECO4 project using SolShare™, resulting in a reduction on resident power bills whilst increasing their energy performance certificate rating.

E.ON was able to fully fund this project as part of this ECO4 obligation. All these benefits at zero cost to the residents.

Hear how the residents at Bexhill are saving up to 50% on power bills:

Read More:

Our Senior Business Development Manager, Ramin Hakimov, recently co-hosted this session with Martin Lee from Your Housing Group. Martin has worked with us to reduce fuel poverty for 68 social homes across 4 schemes in Manchester.

The Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund (SHNZHF) provides grant funding to social landlords in their transition to net zero. The SHNZHF launched in August 2020 and is making at least £200 million available to social landlords until 2026 for the retrofit of their existing housing stock which includes Insulation, Renewable heating and Solar PV.

Explore how incorporating SolShare™ into your projects will transcend your properties to its energy efficiency potential. Start your journey to net-zero with SolShare™ now!

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